In “Paper Town,” the delicate fabric of existence unfolds on stage, portraying the transient nature of life itself. As characters navigate the tumultuous landscape, they grapple with societal expectations and strive to carve out their own identity. This poignant narrative underscores the delicate balance between collective values and individual aspirations, shedding light on the intricate interplay between society and self.
Director: Raminta Verseckaitė
Conductor: Martynas Staškus
Pianist: Vaida Maulevičė
Choreography: Loreta Bartusevičiūtė
Costumes: Marija Valeškaitė
Performers: Virginija Bartušytė, Emilija Bukytė, Katažina Dudareva, Cao Yang Zhao, Greta Keraitė, Smiltė Murencevaitė, Rūta Ruginytė, Domas Saulevičius, Lorijana Laurinskaitė, Deividas Bartkus
Light artist: Valdas Latonas