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Books Speak Volumes

Event time: 18:00-23:00

Experience a fresh approach to engaging with books during Culture Night. Immerse yourself in their narratives and delve into their worlds through a series of interactive workshops, guided tours, and captivating audiovisual experiences. Join us as we unlock the magic within the pages and celebrate the power of storytelling in all its forms.


18:00 Workshop “Create a book trailer”: https://bit.ly/4cwZoeJ

19:30 Exhibition of one book and tour of the crypt of St Casimir’s Church: https://bit.ly/3VAIPZc

21:30 Audiovisual experience “Book Worlds”: https://bit.ly/43z3Sxt

22:30 Audiovisual experience “Book Worlds”: https://bit.ly/43yNDjT

PROJECT PROMOTER: Lojoteka. Educational media center

Event line-up:


6:00 p.m. Creative workshop “Create a trailer for a book”. For their favorite book, children will create a “trailer” – a short animated trailer in which they can introduce the characters, plots or unexpected stories of the book. During the workshop, we will use tablets and a special program in which we will draw moving images. Suitable for children from 7 years old. Registration is required.

7:30 p.m. Vienna book exhibition and excursion to St. Casimir’s church crypt. We invite you to view the unique and extremely rare 1624 published prayer book Modus devotus celebrandi cum fructu Sanctissimum Missae Sacrificium. This is the oldest and rarest publication in the collection of the Lithuanian Jesuit Library. 17th century we will also invite St. In the crypt of Kazimierz Church, where we will see extremely rare Lithuanian XVII century. art monuments – frescoes, which are characterized by a combination of image and text (excerpts from the Bible and prayers). Registration is required.

21:30 and 22:30 Audiovisual experience “Worlds of books”. Ula Gud (Ula Gudavičiūtė) – the young creator will perform electronic music improvisations, which will be combined with visualizations created especially for this evening, inspired by the worlds of books. Registration is required.
