kulturos-naktisArtboard 1

Absorptio: A Work for Two Opera Houses

Event time: 22:00, 23:30, 01:00

“Absorptio: a work for two opera houses” is a contemporary opera and a commentary on opera culture. Viewers immerse themselves in the artwork, becoming integral to the experience. They encounter social situations that feel familiar yet distant, prompting reflection and connection.


REGISTRATION IS NEEDED: https://opera.lt/-repertuaras/absorptio-kulturos-naktis-2024-e234#show1291_openperformers

EVENT LOCATIONS: “OPERA Social House”, J. Lelevelio str. 4 and Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre, A. Vienuolio str. 1

PROJECT PROMOTER: Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre, “Operomanija”
