kulturos-naktisArtboard 1

Travels in Theatre and Music

Event time: 18:00-23:00

The project “Travels in Theatre and Music” unveils the scenic sketches crafted by artist Mstislav Dobužinski, complemented by the enchanting sounds of piano (E. Šešelgytė), violin (D. Šešelgienė), viola (M. Šešelgytė), and vocals (E. E. Dačinskaitė and D. Urba). Experience the seamless fusion of visual artistry and musical expression as this interdisciplinary collaboration takes you on a journey through the realms of theatre and music.

The exhibition will be open from 18:00-23:00 and the concert will take place from 22:00-23:00

Artist Mstislav Dobuzhinsky. Richard Wagner. “Tannhäuser”, State Theatre, 1930. Sketch of the scenic part of Act II.

PROJECT PROMOTER: Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Cinema Museum
